CTI Solutions is a leader in Mobile Computing, Desktop Asset Management, VDI and
Digital Signage.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Leaning on Partners

Oh Boy!

I am working with a marketing company right now. Their efforts are being funded by IBM.
The CTI Solutions sales rep has marketing going on in the Oakland area - funded by Toshiba.
CTI attended 4 trade shows in February - Scala funded a lot of the effort.
Microsoft is funding an effort for KC and Oakland.
.....getting the picture yet.


IBM, Microsoft, Toshiba, and Scala are all providing dollars to CTI Solutions. They do this because of business. CTI Solutions works with our clients to provide the solutions that work for the client - not our partners. As a result we sell a lot of our partner's products and services.


Our clients know we are partner neutral. Our vendor list is all the manufactures of laptops and PC based software tools. Our vendor list is a who's who of the Digital Signage industry.

Big Deal Right?

Well the money for marketing is excellent - but when your partners dedicate time as well you CTI Solutions must be delivering. Toshiba is regularly at the CTI offices in Denver, Dallas and KC. Ingram Micro (have not mentioned them yet) is on the conference calls with our team and our clients. Citrix (another one not mentioned yet) assists us with client needs and designing solutions. Magenta Research provides hardware and support for our Digital Signage showroom.

Our sales reps lean on Samsung, HP, Scala, Dell, Harris and especially Toshiba.


Simple - to know what the best solution is for our client's budget. Our clients our more important than our partners. After all who "Leans on their clients?"


Learn more about CTI Solutions and what we can do for you. www.cti-kc.com

After all - these companies don't just give us money and time just because we are nice.

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