CTI Solutions is a leader in Mobile Computing, Desktop Asset Management, VDI and
Digital Signage.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

HealthCare Digital Signage

I had the pleasure (?) of heading to my local urgent care due to the ankle of my oldest. While there look what was in the corner. (Even kids know when I am going to take a picture.) The interesting thing is we just had a meeting with an potential partner about this very subject. The objective was xxxxx fold.

1) Improve the patient (customer) experience
2) Educate the audience about health related issues
3) Generate revenue through the selling of ad space

The issue is can we do it?

Well the entire family participated in the "Quick Quizes" that came up. (Did you know you have move bones as a new born than as a teenager? I got that one wrong)

By drinking water you can not only hydrate your body, but improve your digestion. (There was a little more detail about this - but I think I will leave those pieces of information off my blog.)

I saw ads by multiple drug companies and consumer product good (CPG) companies.

So it appears that yes you can do it all.

But why stop there? The exam room was full of paper on the walls. Wouldn't it make sense to put an interactive screen to entertain and inform as well. Entertain the patient while waiting - but also inform when the doctor comes in.

Let's say you sprain your ankle (as my oldest did). The doctor or nurse can pull up the "Sprained Ankle" diagrams and demonstrate what happens during the spraining process vs. a break. Or what a host of other procedures are. All "approved" demonstrations about injuries/conditions so there is no communication confusion (aka liability) for a mis-communication.

Call CTI Solutions (913-831-3700) today to find out more.


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