CTI Solutions is a leader in Mobile Computing, Desktop Asset Management, VDI and
Digital Signage.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

HealthCare Digital Signage

I had the pleasure (?) of heading to my local urgent care due to the ankle of my oldest. While there look what was in the corner. (Even kids know when I am going to take a picture.) The interesting thing is we just had a meeting with an potential partner about this very subject. The objective was xxxxx fold.

1) Improve the patient (customer) experience
2) Educate the audience about health related issues
3) Generate revenue through the selling of ad space

The issue is can we do it?

Well the entire family participated in the "Quick Quizes" that came up. (Did you know you have move bones as a new born than as a teenager? I got that one wrong)

By drinking water you can not only hydrate your body, but improve your digestion. (There was a little more detail about this - but I think I will leave those pieces of information off my blog.)

I saw ads by multiple drug companies and consumer product good (CPG) companies.

So it appears that yes you can do it all.

But why stop there? The exam room was full of paper on the walls. Wouldn't it make sense to put an interactive screen to entertain and inform as well. Entertain the patient while waiting - but also inform when the doctor comes in.

Let's say you sprain your ankle (as my oldest did). The doctor or nurse can pull up the "Sprained Ankle" diagrams and demonstrate what happens during the spraining process vs. a break. Or what a host of other procedures are. All "approved" demonstrations about injuries/conditions so there is no communication confusion (aka liability) for a mis-communication.

Call CTI Solutions (913-831-3700) today to find out more.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Good, The Bad and....Part II

Sometimes knowing where you need to be is more important than where you are going ... especially in an airport. Here are three photos that attest to this theory.

The three photos are all in the same airport. The first one is in the main corridor. The 2nd and 3rd pictures are basically the same display - displaying the next flight and departure gate - at the departure gate.

So the first photo gets you to the gate - and the others educate you while you are ate the gate.

Simple - Clean - Effective.....

It is all about information. Ask us how we can help.


The Good, The Bad and....Part II

Sometimes knowing where you need to be is more important than where you are going ... especially in an airport. Here are three photos that attest to this theory.

The three photos are all in the same airport. The first one is in the main corridor. The 2nd and 3rd pictures are basically the same display - displaying the next flight and departure gate - at the departure gate.

So the first photo gets y
ou to the gate - and the others educate you while you are ate the gate.

Simple - Clean - Effective.....

It is all about information. Ask us how we can help.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Good, The Bad and....Part I

Airports are great....If you are not in a rush.

But the flow of information is important. This blog will focus on the retail climate of Airports.

I recently traveled and in two airports witnessed basic digital signage.

The first one is the local store in the airport. It is just a simple screen - but it is still a wrong
deployment. It was showing a news channel. No product placement, no information about the airport, no weather/sports ticker information. It just showed the news. What was it's relation to the products around it? Zero. Did it help consumers? No. Was it to enhance customer experience? Not sure.

The second display was right on the money. The display was at the end of a cook's ladle. It
was focused on the products surrounding the cook. No bad news, but no weather or sports information. It contained about a 10 minute loop of information about the products, how to use them
and what the end product would look like. It was all related to cooking. This was a great display. Eye catching. Different. Related to the products.

So if you want to invest in Dynamic Digital Signage - contact CTI Solutions at www.cti-kc.com. Or just comment on this blog.

Next post will be about the arrivals, departures and delays at the Airports.

Friday, June 11, 2010

No - We did not do that ->>> But....

CTI Solutions ( www.cti-kc.com ) does a lot with Dynamic Digital Signage. In fact if you know were to look in this photograph you can see a kiosk with a screen supplied by CTI Solutions. This is one of the largest screens in the world. It is in Kansas City at the stadium the Royals play in.

While this screen is impressive - it is the hundreds of screens around the stadium that accomplish the following;
- Allow ticket holders to make customized baseball cards through touch screen technology.
- Show the game live to those waiting in line for hotdogs. (Also the frames are there with a crawl for current scores around the league and Royal's product placement.)
- News feed (Cable News) to the luxury boxes.
- Broadcasting live feeds around the stadium during the breaks between the innings
A large screen is awesome. The other screens are all about business. How is your business benefiting from Dynamic Digital Signage?


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Place Like No Other

Ok - I've found it.

Everywhere I look I can find a use for Digital Signage. Retail, Corporate, Hospitals, Digital Menu Boards, BillBoards on the side of the road, Mass Markets, niche markets, customer education, education, banking, outdoor, indoor, gaspumps, wayfinding, malls, outdoor malls, universities, basketball arenas, churches..... you get the point.

But I can not think of one reason I need it here.

If you can let me know.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sometimes Bad is Just Bad

Right Above that Red Stripe at the top of the photo is a strip of lights that is suppose to be digital signage.

This is what gives Digital Signage a bad name. First it was broken. Two the "ticker tape" like display was about 40 characters wide. This would give the viewer little time to digest the message. You have a captive audience - I was in line waiting to deposit a check. All I could think was what a waste of money. Now if I speak with this bank all I will get is "We tried Digital Signage and it didn't work."

Let me repeat - this is not digital signage - this is a waste of money.

Now here is a display that works. A simple monitor that displays a "commercial" about BBQ supplies and then it would have product placement for the products in front of the display and in the display.

Contact CTI Solutions today to find out how we can maximize your spend.
