CTI Solutions is a leader in Mobile Computing, Desktop Asset Management, VDI and
Digital Signage.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Place Like No Other

Ok - I've found it.

Everywhere I look I can find a use for Digital Signage. Retail, Corporate, Hospitals, Digital Menu Boards, BillBoards on the side of the road, Mass Markets, niche markets, customer education, education, banking, outdoor, indoor, gaspumps, wayfinding, malls, outdoor malls, universities, basketball arenas, churches..... you get the point.

But I can not think of one reason I need it here.

If you can let me know.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sometimes Bad is Just Bad

Right Above that Red Stripe at the top of the photo is a strip of lights that is suppose to be digital signage.

This is what gives Digital Signage a bad name. First it was broken. Two the "ticker tape" like display was about 40 characters wide. This would give the viewer little time to digest the message. You have a captive audience - I was in line waiting to deposit a check. All I could think was what a waste of money. Now if I speak with this bank all I will get is "We tried Digital Signage and it didn't work."

Let me repeat - this is not digital signage - this is a waste of money.

Now here is a display that works. A simple monitor that displays a "commercial" about BBQ supplies and then it would have product placement for the products in front of the display and in the display.

Contact CTI Solutions today to find out how we can maximize your spend.
