CTI Solutions is a leader in Mobile Computing, Desktop Asset Management, VDI and
Digital Signage.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Emergency Broadcast Messaging

Digital Signage For Emergency Broadcast Messaging

Communication has been the downfall of so many enterprises. Let me correct that statement. Bad Communication has been the downfall of so many enterprises.

In normal day-to-day operations communication has to be clear, concise and complete. Throw a crisis into the mix and it has to be fast.

Fast, Clear, Concise and Complete.
If you have a facility, a school, a campus, a plant, a building and you need to get a message out to possibly save lives - Use Digital Signage. Google It - there are a cases out there - read them.
We are Digital Signage.

Monday, January 25, 2010

4G Roll Out

Our customer is spending a lot of money to roll out the network for 4G. The latest in the push for greater bandwidth in the wireless world. Having seen it in action I would have to agree that those who use 4G will benefit from its incredible speed. And those who know about these things also know that 4G rollout support IPv6 - which is great since addresses on IPv4 are running out. Of course our customer will not benefit from it unless they can sell the 4G service to their customers. This is where CTI Solutions and our team came into play.
With an aggressive time line CTI Solutions was asked design a solution, acquire the hardware, configure it, image it and get it to the stores in time for consumers to start buying the 4G devices.

300 + Stores roll-out 40 days after the first sit down with our client. A netbook, a laptop, a 22 inch display, a ROKU box, a PC and an "easy" button. Of course the imaged software, net nanny, configuration with the video server, set up in the data center to host the material and custom programming for the "easy" button.
Now we are in ongoing support for the now 400+ stores - all managed from our Kansas City office. Which is a benefit due to the central time zone - we can support stores easily east coast to west coast.
Contact us today to find out what we can do for you.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Video Queue


This is what Digital Signage is all about. With it you can influence consumer behavior with a display at the Point of Sale. With it you can broadcast emergency messages across an facility instantly. And with it you can let your most frustrated customer know what is going on.

And that is what a Video Queue does.

When you need to get your most "at-risk" customer information quickly - use digital signage. People on this list are in your store for a reason - service. In addition one can use special identifing tags on the customers name or ID to identify those customers that are loyal.

Sales can be effective - but exceptional service keeps the customer churn low - Something CTI Solutions knows - And communication when the customer is at a service center is critical to overall success of the experience of the customer.


Contact CTI Solutions today to find out how we can help you communicate with your customers.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Trade Show Package - Success!

CTI Solutions over the last 4 days deployed our Trade Show Package. The client was Smoke n' Fire located in Overland Park, KS. See this terrible video;

But the amazing part was the amount of people just looking at the displays - and then asking about the information on the screen.

  • Digital Signage Gets Traffic!
  • Digital Signage Gets Attraction!
  • Digital Signage Influences Consumer Behavior!

Why are you at a Trade Show to Begin With?

Signage Works


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Digital Signage at Work

24/7/365 - All Day, Every Day

The Amazing Part about Digital Signage is it works - Every change of the screen attracks the consumer and influences their behavior.

This film was shot on January 1st 2010 in a hotel. It switched every few seconds and was integrated with 5 other displays within the lobby, front desk and elevator area of the hotel. Each area promoted different items and a few ads were run on all 6 displays.

The lobby promoted restaurants and drinks. This elevator position promoted menus of restaurants located in the hotel. The amazing part was everytime I saw the ad switch - people looked at it. I also noticed some people just watching it as well.
