CTI Solutions is a leader in Mobile Computing, Desktop Asset Management, VDI and
Digital Signage.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Green IT

There is a lot that can be said about new technology. What about updated technology?

Its boring. A tweak here and an adjustment there.......So What?

But if you are a IT Director and you see you TCO for every desktop and laptop out there - a tweak and adjustment may be just what you need.

Desktop Virtualization - or DVI is updated technology these days on an old concept.

DVI let's you run MS Office and other applications from a centralized server so the desktop/laptop "hole of money" is replaced. A thin client or screen only, with a keyboard and a mouse is all that is required. In the office, at home, on a smartphone - the user "sees" the same thing.

The old concept is how mainframe's use to have green screens for people to use the system. Desktop Virtualization is not new - but the tweaks and adjustments have improved it to where you as an IT Director can use it, and roll it out to the workforce.

CTI Solutions (www.cti-kc.com) just happens to be a Silver Partner with Citrix and can help you out.

Contact us today. 913-831-3700 or at www.cti-kc.com.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Impact is what it is all about.

  • Retail wants it to influence consumer behavior
  • Corporate wants it to communicate to employees
  • Entertainment wants it for its sizzle
  • Hospitality wants it for the experience
  • Education wants it for safety
Influence Communicate Sizzle Experience Safety

Not a bad combination of action words.


Monday, December 21, 2009

The visitor experiences an entire store moment unlike any in the retail environment today.

Digital Signage Project for Sprint Studio Store - Kansas City

The Challenge - To develop a ground breaking retail digital signage solution for Sprint Studio in Kansas City.

The Solution - There are a total of 17 HD displays spread throughout the store. One of the innovative elements of the system comes during a “Grand Moment”.

The Benefit - CTI Solutions synchronized audio, video and lighting to impact the retail customers

What is This?

Play on song within your Media Player on your laptop. If there is no video attached to the song Microsoft will play a psychodelic picture........that is what the media plays on your laptop.

Now - project that on a piece of glass. Normally it goes right through the glass - with Vikuiti you get a picture on that glass. Now imagine your ad up there on Glass - Floating in space....More to follow on this one.

Friday, December 18, 2009

CTI Takes Home the Hardware

CTI Solutions knows something about BBQ. From 9 to 5 you will not find another company with more experience in digital signage and laptop/desktop support than CTI Solutions. And for two weekends in October we excelled at BBQ. We warmed up at the Shawnee BBQ in Shawnee KS to get the BBQ recipe. Then at the American Royal BBQ contest - out of 400+ contestents the CTI Solutions team took home 13th place in ribs!

As you can see by this picture the judging is not to be taken lightly.

While the judging and cooking were serious - CTI Solutions invited partners, clients and future clients to the event to enjoy the festivities. Congratulations to the CTI Solutions BBQ team.